What is your Sen aptitude?

What type of character would you play in Dungeons and Dragons/video games?
An illusionist or trickster!
Someone who could heal and casts buffs!
A beastmaster whose pets would attack!
A scholar with lots of useful knowledge!
A necromancer who could raise the dead!
A bard with lots of charisma!
What types of books/shows do you read/watch most?
Science fiction
Fantasy or paranormal
Nonfiction, true crime, or memoir
Thriller, suspense, or action
Self-improvement or culinary
What do you like best about drinking (or similar recreational activities)?
The "swoopy," gravitational, or floaty feeling
How easy it becomes to talk to people
Just unwinding/mellowing out
Savoring the drinks themselves
I don't drink
Escaping reality or the "normal"
What social activity would you most enjoy?
Watching a show or movie
Playing a sport or exercising
Playing a board game
Reading or taking a class together
Getting your fortunes told
Bar hopping
If you could CHOOSE your Zodiac sign, what would you pick?
Leo, the bold leader
Taurus, the persistent pragmatist
Libra, the harmonious peacemaker
Sagittarius, the fearless adventurer
Aquarius, the goal-oriented innovator
{"name":"What is your Sen aptitude?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QE11CNM","txt":"What type of character would you play in Dungeons and Dragons\/video games?, What types of books\/shows do you read\/watch most?, What do you like best about drinking (or similar recreational activities)?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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