PublicAWARE Summative Assessment

Welcome to the PublicAWARE Summative Assessment
What is your name?
Date: What is the date today?
Interpersonal skills can be best described as:
The ability to communicate, verbally and non-verbally, to get-along and communicate with other people
The ability to communicate using social media
Communicating on a personal level using non-verbal communication
The skills necessary to diffuse tensions amongst different cultural backgrounds
When dealing with difficult people, stay CALM. This means:
Clarify the Issue
Listen to the customer and manage your way to a resolution
Address the problem
All of the above
Drivers suffering from stress, are often:
All of the above
Poor at doing the job required with an increased chance of an accident occurring
Suffer from deteriorated health
Pick two answers. Stress often occurs from:
Doing what you enjoy
Adopting a professional approach to work
Doing too many things at once
Poor training
Some factors may spark a conflict between yourself and another person. Pick all that apply below:
Emotional disturbance and peer pressure
Lack of confidence and attitude
Having a bad day and perception
Influence of society and lack of training
Under the Equality Act 2010, you’re classed as ‘disabled’ if:
You have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘short-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
You have physical impairment which restricts your movement
You have a mental impairment that has a ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
You have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
Barriers to people with individual needs may include prejudices, stereo-typing, inaccessible information and buildings. Which statement below do you consider to be true:
It is accepted that people wit individual needs can’t do what abled body people do and should be treated differently
People with individual needs are different to us and therefore require specialist help
These barriers only apply to people with mental health problems
These barriers are not created by a force of nature, but people and can therefore be removed
The Equality Act 2010, lists ‘Protected Characteristics’. How many are considered to be protected:
Which of the following are considered to be ‘Protected Characteristics’?
Gender re-assignment and sexual orientation
Marriage and civil-partnerships
Religion or beliefs
All of the above
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