/r/OneTrueMiia subreddit feedback!

Would you like to see a donation pool in the future to go towards artists? Example : Our image of the week, we could turn into an artist of the week or artist of the month. Hire an artist for around $10 - $20 or how much we raise together and create more artwork for the community.
Yes sounds like it could benefit the community!
No thanks not interested!
Are you happy with how the subreddit currently looks right now? Please note its still WIP.
Looking good so far!
No it needs a lot of work.
Have any comments you'd like to add to improve the subreddit? Please add them below, the original post so that I can see them. I'm wanting to improve this subreddit a lot and I want to help grow the monster musume community.
Any feedback you proved is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for filling your time to fill this out.
Have any comments you'd like to add to improve the subreddit? Please add them below, the original post so that I can see them. I'm wanting to improve this subreddit a lot and I want to help grow the monster musume community.
Any feedback you proved is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for filling your time to fill this out.
{"name":"\/r\/OneTrueMiia subreddit feedback!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q5PKG10","txt":"Would you like to see a donation pool in the future to go towards artists? Example : Our image of the week, we could turn into an artist of the week or artist of the month. Hire an artist for around $10 - $20 or how much we raise together and create more artwork for the community., Are you happy with how the subreddit currently looks right now? Please note its still WIP., Have any comments you'd like to add to improve the subreddit? Please add them below, the original post so that I can see them. I'm wanting to improve this subreddit a lot and I want to help grow the monster musume community. Any feedback you proved is greatly appreciated. Thank you for filling your time to fill this out. ~Alan","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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