WoundSource Practice Accelerator:
Venous Leg Ulcer Management Knowledge Quiz
Test your knowledge based on your learning from the materials provided in the WoundSource Practice Accelerator program on venous leg ulcer management.

Chronic venous insufficiency is a disease process principally caused by:
venous hypertension
abnormal ABI
The financial impact of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) in the US can be equated to approximately:
$40,000 per episode
$40,000 per month
$10 million per year
Which assessment in the patient’s social history indicates increased risk for VLUs?
regular exercise regimen
nicotine abstinence
Which assessment in the patient’s surgical history may indicate increased risk for VLUs?
total shoulder replacement
umbilical hernia repair
What is the estimated 90-day recurrence rate after resolution of a VLU?
Men are more likely to be affected by VLUs than women.
Which of the following physical exam findings is most suggestive of development of secondary lymphedema in a patient with a VLU?
positive Stemmer’s sign
Reducing risk for development of CVI and VLU can be accomplished by:
losing weight
decreasing activity
replacing compression garments yearly
What dressing characteristic is most appropriate for a typical VLU with a large amount of exudate and limb swelling?
absorbent and conforming
high adherence to wound bed
thick material with edges overlapping the wound margins
Which should be considered after four weeks of comprehensive, evidence-based treatment for VLUs without 30% reduction in area?
hyperbaric oxygen therapy
higher-level compression
As part of a comprehensive assessment for VLUs, the musculoskeletal portion of the physical exam should include:
degree of plantarflexion/dorsiflexion
calf circumference
grading of edema
{"name":"WoundSource Practice Accelerator: Venous Leg Ulcer Management Knowledge Quiz   Test your knowledge based on your learning from the materials provided in the WoundSource Practice Accelerator program on venous leg ulcer management.", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q3LUQG8","txt":"CVI is a disease process principally caused by:, The financial impact of VLUs in the US can be equated to approximately:, Which assessment in the patient’s social history indicates increased risk for VLUs?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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