Can My Child Benefit From a Weighted Vest?

You walk into Target and the first thing your child does is:
Runs away
Climbs into the cart
Walks nicely beside you
Take my child to Target? Yeah right!
You’re at a family BBQ and you observe your child:
Running around non-stop
Bumping into people
Clinging onto your leg
Playing games with the family
You get a note from your child’s teacher, it mostly likely says:
Your child pushed a peer while standing in line
Your child struggled to sit still during circle time / desk work
Your child chewed their pencil eraser off
Your child aced the test and made a new friend today
When it comes to sleep...
Your child sleeps great through the night
Sleep? Haven’t had any of that in years!
Your child doesn't stay asleep
It takes hours for your child to wind down and fall asleep
In a standard day, your child typically falls down, crashes on purpose, or bumps into things...
Every minute of every day
{"name":"Can My Child Benefit From a Weighted Vest?", "url":"","txt":"You walk into Target and the first thing your child does is:, You’re at a family BBQ and you observe your child:, You get a note from your child’s teacher, it mostly likely says:","img":""}
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