Greater Yellowstone Migration Quiz

What is animal migration?
When animals travel long-distances.
When animals move from one country to another
When animals cross a body of water
What is a true animal migration?
When some animals in a population move and others do not
When animals move annually or seasonally
Which of the following is a possible reason for animals to migrate? (Choose all that apply)
Change of weather or season
Breeding patterns
To find food
Which of the following animals in Greater Yellowstone migrate? (Choose all that apply)
Mule deer
True or False: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is sometimes compared to a beating heart.
What is the longest deer migration ever recorded?
50 miles
140 miles
242 miles
Which of the following is a threat to wildlife migration? (Choose all that apply)
Roads and highways
Habitat loss
Traditional fencing
Which of the following can help animals move across barriers like roads?
Overpasses (wildlife bridges)
Underpasses (wildlife tunnels)
Wildlife-friendly fencing
True or False: There's not enough data to determine whether or not wildlife crossings work.
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